Whether you have stained, crooked, chipped, or damaged teeth, you may be very unhappy with your current smile. Did you know that porcelain veneers could help with your confidence? Porcelain veneers are thin coverings, made of porcelain, that are placed over the front of your teeth designed to look just like your natural teeth. They can correct a variety of dental issues, and can even hide uneven spaces between your teeth.

Falling under the cosmetic dentistry umbrella, porcelain veneers are grouped with other procedures such as teeth whitening, dentures, and clear braces. Visit your cosmetic dentist in Piedmont to find out if you’re a good candidate or not for porcelain veneers.

Veneers: What You Should Know

For the purposes of this blog, we’ll be talking strictly about porcelain veneers, as dental veneers can be made of either porcelain or resin-composite materials. Porcelain happens to be the most popular. With the ability to fix anything from smaller-than-average teeth to chipped or discolored teeth, these tooth-colored shells are permanently bonded to your teeth.

While some patients just need one veneer to cover a chipped tooth after an injury, others may get up to eight veneers for an even, symmetrical smile. Customizable and versatile, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years or more with proper care. Plus, they are minimally invasive compared with other treatments such as crowns.

Why Should You Select Porcelain Veneers?

There are several advantages that come with porcelain veneers in Piedmont. Check out these top reasons why porcelain veneers could be the right choice for you:

Veneers give you a…

More Natural Appearance

Because porcelain veneers look just like your natural teeth, they can be crafted into a natural shape and customized to fit your facial proportions. Most people won’t know the difference unless you let them in on your secret. And because of advances in ceramics, your veneers will give you the same luster as your natural tooth enamel.

Customized Look

Whether you want a dramatic transformation or a subtle tweak, you remain in control of just how much you want your smile to change. Whether you’re unhappy with just one tooth or you want all your front teeth to be addressed, porcelain veneers can be matched to blend in with your existing teeth. The difference is imperceptible.


You just have to visit the dentist once to apply porcelain veneers, and the procedure is done right in the office. When you walk out of the office, you will have the smile you’ve always wanted. Porcelain veneers can be utilized to correct these common cosmetic complaints:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Rotated teeth
  • Gaps in teeth
  • Small teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Poorly-shaped teeth

Faster Alternative to Orthodontics

Sometimes, porcelain veneers can be used to straighten teeth, which is why they’re often called “instant orthodontics.” They only take about a month to work, compared with a year and a half for traditional braces. Veneers straighten your teeth differently than orthodontics do. Veneers can straighten teeth without moving the roots, but with orthodontics, the tooth roots are moved, leading to a reshaping of the bone around your teeth.

Long-Lasting Solution

You may assume porcelain veneers are fragile, but the fact is, today’s ceramics are extremely durable and strong. As a result, veneers can last up to 15 years, and are highly resistant to stains, discolorations, and chips.

Brighter Smile Than Whitening

Have you attempted teeth whitening in the past but have been disappointed with the results? This is your chance to try porcelain veneers instead for an instant whitening effect. If you have naturally dull or thin enamel, teeth discoloration from within, and enamel defects, this is a good alternative for you. That’s because all those afflictions cannot be fixed by simple teeth whitening products.

You are able to choose exactly how white you want to make your smile with porcelain veneers – even more so than natural tooth enamel can be capable of. While traditional teeth whitening only lasts a few months (especially if you don’t maintain it), porcelain veneers allow you to retain your white smile for a decade or more with the right care. This is due to the special durable glazing that is applied.

Boost in Confidence

In the end, the best benefit of porcelain veneers is that they can improve your self-esteem so you can smile once again with confidence. If you’ve been hiding your teeth in photos, you don’t have to worry about that again. Porcelain veneers can provide you with the killer smile you’ve always wanted.

Get a Smile Makeover With Porcelain Veneers at Piedmont Oaks.

If you would like to know if you’re a good candidate for porcelain veneers, book your appointment with us at (510) 654-6523. We are located at 1345 Grand Ave. Suite 103 in Piedmont, CA and our hours are Mon – Thu 8am to 5pm and Fridays 8am to 1pm. Our team can develop a custom treatment plan according to your unique needs and goals.